Demand Response
Sometimes, the demand for electricity outpaces the grid’s ability to supply energy, causing rolling blackouts or brownouts. Instead of the grid producing more electricity at a great expense to your business the grid operator, also referred to as the RTO (Regional Transmission Organizations) or ISO (Independent System Operators), the RTO / ISO can counterbalance the imbalance by reducing the amount of electricity consumed when demand exceeds supply.
Customers of a certain energy load profile can enroll in a demand response program where they agree to curtail or shift their electric load at the request of the grid operators such as PJM, NYISO, ISO-NE, MISO, SPP, ERCOT, CAISO. In most cases, it is a matter of slowing down or temporarily halting a manufacturing process during peak usage periods. The customer is compensated for their willingness to participate in the program, even if they are never called upon to do so. Virtually all large energy users can participate in demand response programs.
Asset Energy can help identify a Demand Response program that monetizes your energy assets.